Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Raw Pecan Pie Recipe

Well I have talked about it in a couple of posts now, but here it is. I own a collection of different raw dessert recipes, and this one is at the top of my favorites, I must say.

The flavors in this pie are so deep, and so rich, that it seriously does not take a huge portion for your mouth (and stomach) to feel satisfied. This really is a pecan pie to live for, and everyone will change their minds about raw cuisine once they try this pie.

I must credit Kimberly Snyder, over at KimberlySnyder.net, for this recipe. Kim is a clinical nutritionist (I shall be one soon, too!), and a raw food chef who has appeared numerous times on television. I LOVE reading her website/blog, and trying out her recipes. My favorites are, well, this one, of course. But also her green smoothies and raw fudge (really!). You can find the original Pecan Pie recipe at her website here.

By the way, this is called a Raw Pecan Love Pie, probably because it is so lovely. At least, that's my perception!

The crust is made up of walnuts, dates and coconut flakes. Walnuts are extremely healthy as they are very high in omega-3 fatty acids. Contrary to omega-6's, omega-3's are anti-inflammatory, beneficial for the skin, nails and eyes, and are very beneficial for optimum brain function. They will also contribute a good amount of fiber in this dessert.

The dates are raw, meaning they will contain all their beneficial enzymes and vitamins, plus they will also add their fiber content to this yummy dessert. Coconut is rich in medium chain fatty acids which are quickly turned into energy for your body to burn.

As you can see above, the crust alone provides a powerhouse of nutrition! Compare this to white flour (no fiber, turns to sugar quickly in the body), vegetable oil (different fat chain sizes compared to coconut oil--vegetable oils mainly deposit as fat storage instead of energy), salt and sugar. Plus, all of this would be cooked and destroyed (well not destroyed, unfortunately). As you can tell, this hypothetical (but very real to most people) crust alone has nothing really going for it, and just sounds devastating.

Now the filling calls for raisins, pecans and maple syrup. No refined sugars, no corn syrup (thank goodness!) and no canned fillings. Just simple, whole food, tasty staples every health advocate should have on hand (or at the very least, knows where to get some very quickly!). I didn't use maple syrup this time around, as it was unavailable at the time, but I did use pure raw honey. I'm not a raw vegan, so I substituted. It tasted incredible just the same, but I will try the maple syrup next time. If you make it, let me know how it is.

One interjection - pecans are an incredible source of anti-oxidants, which I will discuss in a later blog post. However this entire dessert is chock full of anti-oxidants, so I really shouldn't just put the spotlight on just one ingredient.

This dessert, compared to other cooked dishes, will not leave you feeling hungry hours later. I calculated and found that per 1/8th of this pie has about 10.25 grams of dietary fiber, low in carbohydrates (no refined carbs, as would be in a traditional pecan pie), high in manganese (helps build and maintain strong bones, promotes healthy thyroid function, anti-oxidant abilities), and extremely high in taste! I'm telling you, you MUST try this; it will blow you away at how good it is.

Now here it is...


- 2 cups walnuts
- 3 cups of pitted dates
- 1 cup coconut flakes, finely ground

Pit the dates yourself, extracting each pit and discarding. Add the dates, coconut flakes and walnuts to the food processor and mix until thoroughly blended.

Press the mixture into the bottom and sides of a pie tin. Set to the side.


- 2/3 cup filtered water
- 1 cup raw pecans, soaked about 15 minutes
- 1 cup organic Thompson raisins
- 1 Tbs. vanilla extract
- 1 tsp. nutmeg (optional, I really like this spice!)
- 1/3 cup maple syrup
- 1 tsp. Celtic sea salt

Blend all ingredients together in the blender until smooth. Pour onto the crust of the tray, and garnish with fresh, raw pecans into a pretty pattern.

Set in freezer overnight, or for at least 5 hours before serving.

Slice up and enjoy!


Thank you again Kimberly!

A holiday treat

Until next time, this has been The Healthy Advocate.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Antidepressents: Are They Reall Effective? + Raw Pecan Pie Preview!

Hi Everyone, this is The Healthy Advocate.

With over 230 million prescriptions of antidepressants being filled annually*, I thought it was about time to blog my own views on this matter. However this blog will not just contain my opinion, but scientific research that is just beginning to emerge (finally) in mainstream media.

The term “antidepressants” literally means 'against depression', giving you the illusion that the companies who produce them (and those “heads” who approve them” are there to fight for your health and well-being, against your depression.

However, more and more facts are coming out of the head guys at the FDA and big pharma. Whistle blowers and cover-ups have shown that our current healthcare is not at all what it used to be, or what it seems.

My Antidepressant Story

I was put on antidepressants when I was 17 years old due to an eating disorder. How antidepressants could cure and eating disorder was beyond me, and I was against the taking of it at the start. However, being this young, I decided it wasn't a matter of choice but a matter of necessity. My parents quickly bought the drug which I was sure I didn't need. This started me on my road to independence and finally thinking for myself, rather than relying on my parents.

I initially stuck by it, intending to be a “good patient”. My eating problems and behaviors never subsided, and I found that my thinking became quite worse after starting on the medication.

I started receiving adverse reactions to the drug, and to the one they prescribed me after that one, until I found out the truth about the antidepressant and pharmaceutical industry. Below will show you why I decided to stop taking antidepressants and start implementing healthy alternatives that did far better for me than a chemical in a pill.

Research Studies Flawed

In 2008, The New England Journal of Medicine published an article showing that the majority of antidepressant research to be biased, and held in its published after effects as positive results. This meaning that data that turned out negative for the effectiveness of the drug was actually changed to being positive toward its effectiveness.

Why would researchers do this? There is much speculation about why research is manipulated in ways that would undoubtedly affect others health, but the biggest theory is the funding from the drug industry.

Many drug research attempts are funded by the drug industry. In fact, the majority of the time the pharmaceutical company who is producing a drug usually funds the research on the effectiveness.

PloS Medicine also published a study showing the raw data of a research study on the ineffectiveness of an antidepressant. Even though this research showed that antidepressants were no better than placebo, the FDA continued to approve this drug, and many other “ME TOO” drugs ( a term describing the plethora prescription medications devoted to the same topic, ex. Diet pills, statins, antidepressants, etc.).

Conflict of Interests

According to PsychCentral.com, two researchers which led studies into antidepressants and alternative treatments, failed to report that they earned $1.6 million over a seven year period from “big pharma”.Here's what is a little interesting: One of these researchers conducted a study showing how St. John's Wort was ineffective in treating ADHD.*

One of the researchers mentioned in the above paragraph also worked hard with Johnson & Johnson to push a new bi-polar drug, and, according to the article in The New York Times,

“ [. . . ] e-mail messages and internal documents from Johnson & Johnson made public in a court filing reveal that Dr. Biederman pushed the company to finance a research center at Massachusetts General Hospital, in Boston, with a goal to 'move forward the commercial goals of J.& J.'”

Citing The New York Times once again, Dr. Biederman led a forty-fold increase in the diagnosing and prescribing of bipolar disorder in America from 1994 to 2003.*

Mainstream Media Finally Catches On

The Journal of the American Medical Association has just published a study this month showing that treatment with a well known antidepressant paroxetine (GlaxoSmithKline's Paxil) in mild and even sometimes severe depression to be no better than placebo.*

This research has been known for quite some time now, although the suppression of such information has been keeping the majority of the public in the dark.

Mainstream media, however, is finally catching on. CNN, ABC News and The New York Times are reporting on these issues, as well as other city publications and online newsletters.

Should I Continue Taking Antidepressants?

This is a question I cannot answer for you, as you must speak to a trusted physician over your mental health. It is, after all, YOUR health, and you are the only one who can take control (as Dr. Mercola says, “Take Control of Your Health!”).

However, if the effect of these drugs are only based upon the belief that they work, then why continue to take them? After all, will people want to take a useless and pricy pill, if all they are receiving are the side effects?

It is my hope that these studies will open the eyes of many of the public so they can start finding more natural and safe ways to beat depressions.

21,000 adverse reactions to prescription medications have been reported to the FDA, with over 4,000 deaths, in 2008. Are there safer ways to protect yourself from depression, or even help fight its effects?

I believe that depression can become a debilitating illness, and at times needs to be treated appropriately. However, with the majority of cases of minor and somewhat severe depression, I believe there to be amazing alternatives, producing none, or little , side effects.

Fighting Depression

Antidepressants only treat the symptom of the depression, and never address the actual cause. When you do this, you will guarantee to be on these sort of medications for the rest of your life. Only when you address the actual cause of disease and illness, will you be able to understand and deal with it, and hopefully release it.

Here are my top 5 things I have researched (and have found helpful in my own life) that brings up mood.

1. Diet
There are a number of different ingredients, additives and preservatives in our food system today, many of them unnatural and unrecognizable to the human body. In fact, many of these have been known to be carcinogenic: nitrites and nitrates in pork, bacon and lunch meats, artificial sweeteners in diet foods, BPA in the linings of canned food, etc.

Also, the wrong types of fats in the diet play a crucial role in mood. Making sure you get plenty of omega-3 fatty acids, found mainly in fish, is very important, as it regulates many functions in your brain to keep you healthy. As we have become increasingly inclined to consume vegetable oils, many people get too many omega-6 fats (inflammatory), coinciding with the increase in depression (hmm, interesting...).

2. Exercise
Plenty of physical activity helps promote clean oxygen to your brain and aids in production of serotonin, the “feel good” hormone. Being active also helps reduce the body's craving for sugar, which is also a contributing factor in many brain related disorders and diseases. (including depression).

When you exercise, you give yourself a motivation to live and to happy again. You feel strong and alive, and you might find yourself ready to take on the world. I usually do interval training, balancing cardio and stretching one day, flexibility (with yoga and Pilates) the next day, and then minor strength training the next day. I keep this cycle going throughout the whole week.

It's important to break up your exercise routine so that you don't “over train” different parts of your body and tire it out. Also, it helps you keep interest in your exercise regime. Also be sure to rehydrate yourself after an exercise program as it helps maintain a good fluid balance in your body, and supports the proper function of your brain.

If you are just starting out with exercise, a good way to start is to walk. I love to walk. I don't do it exclusively (anymore), but it's a great way to ease into a great workout program.

3. Meditation and Hypnosis

This is my absolute favorite, because research has actually shown that these types of therapies actually change physical structures within the brain, particularly around the interior cortex's where mood, memory and behavior is associated.

Deep breathing before you go to bed, along with visualizations of pleasant experiences are quite common in meditation, as its goal is to release your thoughts and to become one with your breath. It actually does not help treat the cause of the depression.

Hypnosis is more “cause based” oriented, and very different than meditation, as it helps in finding the initial onset of a problem, and it helps you deal with it in your mind, ultimately releasing it. There are certain methods that don't even deal with releasing it, but working with it in a way to turn toward a more positive, possible future behavior.

*PharmaTimes, January 2010
*CBSNews, December 2006
*PsychCentral.org, A Year in Review
*The New York Times, November 2008
*Seattle Times, October 2008

Now away from this depressing topic, here is a recipe preview.

It's Kimberly Snyder's Raw Pecan Pie! No white sugar, flour, animal products, and is complete VEGAN and RAW! This was so perfect when we had it for Christmas, and now I'm sharing it with you!

Until then, this has be The Healthy Advocate.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Riding an ATV

What a proud and handsome little guy this is. From Diane in Minnesota.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Is Soy Healthy? + Upcoming Recipes Preview!

Hello there, this is the Healthy Advocate.

OK, here is a topic I really get interested in, because I use to consume soy milk regularly (key terms: "use to"). I still like the taste of soy, to some degree, but not so much that I couldn't live without it.
But the question is, "Is Soy Healthy?" It's a
question that I'm sure you have already heard answered, and in fact, this whole soy discussion has gotten a bit old.

I have heard of the benefits of soy from a couple of nutritionists that claim it is a complete protein (it contains all of the eight essential am
ino acids), and is a reliable source for vegetarians. However, soy contains certain enzyme inhibitors which interfere with the digestion of the protein, making it less available to the body.*

I have also found that soy contains something called goitrogens, a substance which depresses thyroid function. You thyroid is shaped somewhat like a butterfly, and it regulates your metabolism. I don't know about you, but depressed metaboli
sm does not sound good (especially for people who are trying to lose weight).

Soy, Estrogen and Cancer: A Link?

Look at the label of every processed food you have in your kitchen (and hopefully there aren't many!), and see if you find the word 'soy' in the ing
redient list. Soybean oil, soy protein isolate, hyrolyzed soy, etc., can be found in the majority of processed and prepackaged foods in America.

Soy has been shown to contain isoflavones, w
hich have been shown to mimic the hormone estrogen. Too much estrogen in the body can be seen with an increased risk for developing breast cancer in women. Also, studies have pointed to the estrogen in soy being linked to low sperm count in males.*

Isn't it interested that we have seen a rise in breast cancer in America, coinciding with the widespread use of soy in our food? There are ot
her factors which deal with such diseases, such as genetics, environment and lifestyle, but could it be that soy is another contributing factor?

I believe so.

There is a low incedence of breast cancer in Asian cultures, whom of which have consumed soy for centuries. However, the form of soy they do eat is in its fermented form, such as natto, miso and tempeh.

My Soy Story

I started to consume about five years ago because it was lower in calories and overall fat. However when I look at those views I had on fat now, I start to laugh, because it totally opposes my view on fats now.

I started to drink it, and I pretty much enjoyed it thoroughly. I consumed soy milk regularly, and could not stop talking about the "bene
fits" it was supposed to grant to the consumer.

I started to notice weird feelings in my throat after a while (your thyroid is located inside your throat!), and started to see and do more of my on research on soy, rather than rely on the company's "research" that promoted the stuff.

I found a whole different side of the story on soy, and to sum up, I stopped drinking soy milk. I still remember the taste, and will still admit to saying that I do like it, but I'd rather live without it and be healthy, than live with it and its potent
ial side effects.

I have yet to try the fermented forms o
f soy, but would very much like to. If anyone knows where I can get my hands on some, please let me know! I wonder if there is a way to ferment soy beans, and make your own soy milk? Maybe you guys can help me out on that.

Upcoming Recipes!

Now, to come away from soy, I'm going to give a preview of the upcoming recipes I can't wait to share. Some are of my own creation, while others are from my favorite health bloggers or chefs.

I like to incorporate some raw food into my lifestyle, and usually eat raw about 50-80% of the time. Once I start to live on my own (out o
f college and out into the world!), I plan on devoting about 80% of myself to the raw food diet. I just feel amazing after eating raw the majority of the time, that I wonder how good it will feel to eat raw 80-100% of the time.

Without further ado, here are the recipes.

This has been the Healthy Advocate.

Kimberly Snyder's Raw Pecan Pie - So Good!

Sprouted Buckwheat Gluten-Free "Ritz" Crackers Recipe

Stevia Sweetened Rich Chocolate Fudge

Metabolism Boosting Coconut Oil Spicy Stir Fry


*Nexus Magazine, Volume 7, Number 3 (April-May 2000), Sally Fallon & Mary G. Enig, Ph.D.
*The Guardian, August 2000
*Gerson Institute Newsletter, Vol 14, No. 3, Brandon Finucan & Charlotte Gerson

More information on soy can be found at http://www.soyonlineservice.co.nz/

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Healthy Advocate's First Blog Post

Hello all. This is the Healthy Advocate.

I want to first off say that I am very excited, but also very nervous, about the concept of starting a blog about truthful health information. Normally people would not admit their fears to their audience, but seeing how I want this blog to be as truthful and accommodating as possible, I believe that honesty will help grow and foster the relationship I have to my readers.

I created this blog out of frustration with the current stream of health news we hear today. The majority of the public receive their information regarding health, nutrition, fitness, etc., from television or their doctors (or at least this is how I have perceived it to be).

However the majority of the information received on television regarding, nutrition, for example, are run during commercials, where there is always a monetary agenda behind the product they're pushing. How can you take nutrition information seriously when you know that the studies mentioned during the commercial were actually funded by the company who is airing the commercial itself?

Conflict of Interests

Take, for example, Kellogg's. Their latest commercials tell us that their cereals are chock full of nutrition: vitamins, fiber, calcium and other minerals. Sounds like the best way to start out your child's day (and perhaps your own).

However, these cereals are the worst thing you can put into your body, as the cereal is most likely made of fast acting, refined grains (white or corn flour), refined sugar (sucrose or high fructose corn syrup), and additives and perservitives to help maintain color and flavor.

You can also see the new High Fructose Corn Syrup commercials and ads that are placed throughout millions of televisions, newspapers and radios. Apparantly, these ads claim High Fructose Corn Syrup to be know more harmful than sugar, and can be used in moderation.

However, did you know that these ads are funded directly by the Corn Refiner's Association? And that they are happening right around the time when the majority of the public is growing more and more concerned over this ingredient? Just look at the growing number of companies who are selling products labled, "No High Fructose Corn Syrup".

As the blog continues to grow, you will see why I believe that these ingredients (and hundreds of others) are responsible for the growing epidemic of a wide range of diseases. These diseases, in my opinion, are preventable and/or treatable with the correct diet and exercise programs.

What I Plan to Accomplish With This Blog

As mentioned previously at the beginning of this post, I observed feelings of nervousness and uneasiness surrounding this blog. However, throughout this writing, my confidence has grown, and I plan on continuing this blog for as long as I see fit.

I have a passion for health, and for spreading the news about the truth of our health and wellness information. I want to discover the lies and manipulation that construe within our healthcare system, and expose to as many people as I can how they can take their health in their own hands.

The health care arena has become such a big business these days, and I hate to see that, because I know that many of the products out there (drugs, supplements, diet foods, etc.) are unnecessary, and at times can be damaging or dangerous.

I also hope to let my views on health, fitness, nutrition, mind, spirit, and all the rest, be known, based on my own knowledge, experience and study. Several hundreds of thousands of hours I have spent researching information on health, wellness, and alternative preventative medicines have led me to this, and I want to believe that I can help as many people as I can by expressing my views and opinions.

P.S. I also hope to share my favorite recipes. Some are made from completely raw foods, some are made from whole grains and some are entirely gluten/grain free. I rarely ever use sugar in my recipes, and when I do, I use the tiniest amount of Sucanat or raw honey.

Before I post a recipe, I'll give you a preview of what it will be, just because I like to keep people on edge :).

Until then, this has been the Healthy Advocate.

Dimitri Shares a Meal

Thanks to Scott B for his Proud Animal, Dimitri