Thursday, May 27, 2010

Parabens - Known Carcinogens in Your Beauty Products

Is your current beauty routine harmful to your health? Photo courtesy

Seeing how the last post was about deodorant, I thought it would be fitting to create another post about skin products. The popular products on the market contain many conventional, man made ingredients that are not always good for us. It may smell good and make us look good, but at what cost is this to our health? Could the products we use, day in and day out, actually be contributing to a slow degeneration of our bodies and minds?

What's So Wrong with My Beauty Products?

You might be unknowingly risking your health. Photo courtesy

As I mentioned in Monday's post, some products, like deodorant, contain aluminum. This is a heavy metal toxin that is found in high amounts in Alzheimer's patients. When we put something like this on our skin (especially after shaving--looking at you, girls!), the chemicals contained within are most definitely entering our bodies through our pores.

Some of these chemicals are treated as a toxin in the body and are processed and released. However, the remaining chemicals can find their way in the nervous system, they can devastate our immune system and even find their way into the brain. These chemicals, especially aluminum, can accumulate in the brain, not showing its health effects until years later.

What is So Bad About Parabens?

Go paraben free! Photo courtesy

Parabens are a synthetic, man made preservative found in almost all conventional beauty products. From make up to face soap, lotions and creams, parabens have made their way into the mainstream beauty line. They prevent mold and bacteria growth, and help keep the product stable for a long shelf life.

However, parabens have been shown to mimic estrogen in the human body, showing a possible carcinogenic link to certain forms of breast cancer. This is a concern for anyone, male or female, as this preservative is going to be absorbed into your blood stream after placing it on your skin. It really is not a pretty picture.

A six month study performed on men and women's beauty products assessed the safety of 7,500 beauty products (over 10,000 ingredients) with 2,300 people. What they found was quite astonishing.

Out of 7,500 products, only 28 of them were tested completely by the cosmetic industry's self regulating panel. 1/3 of all the products in the study contained at least one ingredient that showed a strong carcinogenic link, and has actually been classified as a human carcinogen.

What Can You Do?

Natural beauty. Photo courtesy

Diet and exercise will provide your body with the health it needs to proccess out some of the chemicals and toxins in your beauty products, but it won't be enough to provide adequate safety for your health. You DON'T have to live in a bubble and ignore your beauty when you enhance your health--far from it! In fact, when you enhance your health through diet, exercise and other lifestyle changes, you enhance your beauty.

There are amazing organic beauty products out on the market today that are paraben free, and even some that claim to be all-natural. I go for the organic version, because this normally ensures that I won't be putting anything on my body that I wouldn't put in my body (the term "all-natural" isn't regulated, and often doesn't mean that it is all natural).

Look at the ingredients of your beauty products, just as you would with your food. Make sure you do not find parabens, sodium lauryl/laureth sulfate, or basically anything you can't pronounce. It may be difficult at first, so just wean yourself off of these products slowly. It may take some time to find products that work for your skin or hair type, but you will find some. Make your way down to your local health food store and ask about the products they carry.

Right now I am using a shampoo and conditioner that is 75% organic and contains only 5 ingredients, all things that I would have no problem ingesting if I had to. I also use a coconut oil castile soap for my face, as well as an organic body wash (and occasionally a homemade, raw goat's milk soap made with coconut oil). What products do you use? Tell me about them in the comments section.

This is The Healthy Advocate.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Can Your Deodorant Be Harmful to Your Health?

Can your deodorant be harmful? Photo courtesy

Health and wellness prevention strategies and natural remedies do not only center around nutrition and fitness. Many people find they have the best diet (compared to most), exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep and sunlight. However, what they could be putting on their skin can be disastrous for their later health. THe subject today? Deodorant.

What is so wrong with deodorant?

Not all deodorants are created equal. The commercial deodorants available today, for both men and women, contain the active ingredient aluminum. This is a toxin that seeps into the pores of your skin after applying it to your underarms. Any thing you put on your skin will enter the pores and seep into your bloodstream, which is why I don't put anything on my skin unless it is also safe to eat.

Aluminum has been linked to breast cancer in women, and is also found in abundance in Alzheimer's patients. In fact, back in the 1980's, a truck driver accidently spilled aluminum he was carrying in a small town's drinking water. Years later, an epidemic of Alzheimer's occurred in the same people who lived in the town at the time, and aluminum was found to have been built up within their brain's tissues.

What Can I Do?

Good health, for the present and for the future, requires you using preventative strategies. You don't have to be a control freak or a purist, but it is important that when you know the risks of something to take the appropriate measures. I don't use commercial deodorants anymore, as I have seen firsthand at what Alzheimer's does to a person, and I don't want that for myself or for my future family/caretakers (assuming that I will even need any ;)).

There are many organic deodorants on the market now that do not use aluminum or any artificial ingredients. The one I reccomend is Tropical Traditions Organic Aluminum-free Deodorant .

Although most of the time what I use is regular aluminum free baking soda. It's inexpensive, only one ingredient and it works just as well. Baking soda cleans as well as removes any smell that it comes across--it packs a powerful punch in fighting smells. Lovely conversation we are having, isn't it? It is important to find baking soda that doesn't contain aluminum, as most baking sodas on the market do contain aluminum.

So now you can go out in the world and be healthy and smell good at the same time! Isn't that fun? I'l see you out there.

This has been The Healthy Advocate.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Healthy RAW Birthday Cake

The Healthy Advocate is having a birthday tomorrow (if you get annoyed by me talking about myself in third person, just let me know!), and I wanted a healthy day filled with activity and nourishing food that will provide me with everything I need to spring forward in the 21st year of me being alive. I decided upon a RAW birthday cake this year, because my body deserves it, and so does yours! It doesn't have to be your birthday to enjoy this nourishing, rich, healthy and satisfying cake.

No flour, gluten, eggs, dairy, refined sugar or vegetable oils. Completely raw, easily digestible and naturally low in calories. A little piece goes a long way--trust me, it is so rich! The fiber, protein and fat found in the nuts/seeds that make up the base of this cake make you feel full, meaning you only need to eat a little to be satisfied. SAD (standard American diet) cakes are loaded with sugar and many times harmful fats that will make you want more, increase your hunger and devastate your insulin levels. Something I don't want happening on my birthday--or any day.

This cake is an adaption of many raw chocolate cakes out there, but I think I would have to give credit more so to Ani Phyo, an amazing raw chef in Los Angeles whom I absolutely love. The original recipe can be found in her book, Ani's Raw Food Desserts: 85 Easy, Delectable Sweets and Treats. Please check it out--she provides so many easy recipes, making eating RAW simple. Something that I really love. To make sure this cake comes out like a real cake, make sure your nuts or seeds or dry. If you do soak/sprout your nuts or seeds, make sure you dehydrate them before the recipe. I used sunflower seeds and almonds, but you can use any nut or seed that you like (walnuts are best).

A gluten free, grain free, raw chocolate cake for you to enjoy any time you wish!

RAW Chocolate Birthday Cake

-3 cups raw walnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, etc., soaked and dried (or 4 cups raw nuts/seeds)
-1/3-2/3 cup of unsweetened cocoa or carob powder
-1/4 tsp. salt
-1 1/2 cup pitted and soft dates
-1/2 cup raisins (soak for 10-20 minutes to make soft)

Process the walnuts (or other nuts/seeds) in the food processor until a fine flour. Add the cocoa powder and the salt and pulse to mix.

Now, add the dates and the raisins to the mixture. Process until the dough forms a ball. If your mixture is too wet, then the ball might not form, so just process until all the dates and raisins are mixed in with the flour (this will lead to a fudge type cake).

Once you have your ball of dough, take it out of the food processor and shape the cake into any form you wish. I made a circle cake, and arranged bananas, organic strawberries and dried coconut on top of the frosting. Top with raw chocolate frosting and chill for an hour or so, to set, or, serve as is.

RAW Chocolate Frosting

-1 1/2 medium avocados
-1/2 cup soft raisins and/or dates (I used a mixture of both--make sure they're soft by soaking them for 10-20 minutes, drain)
-1/4 to 1/3 cup cocoa powder
-2 tbsp. raw honey, to taste

Process all ingredients in the food processer until smooth. Use to frost the RAW birthday cake. Arrange raw fruits, dried coconut or anything you like on top. Chill to set before serving, or serve as is.

This has been The Healthy Advocate

Monday, May 17, 2010

Healthy Weight Week Day Three: What the Heck Can I Eat? - Part Two

Image Courtesy of

I am sitting here with my Green Smoothie (recipe to come), contemplating the foods I feel are the absolute best modes to optimal health and nutrition. There are so many foods that I know you should NOT ingest, as it will not lead to a healthy weight or lifestyle, so we will start with this list first. I will then move on to the list of foods that should be consumed in order to reach a healthy weight. However, remember that the foods on the DO NOT EAT list can be eaten every now and then if you have no other health issues such as diabetes or insulin troubles, obesity, high blood pressure or cholesterol. If you are exercising, getting enough sleep, getting plenty os sunshine and addressing emotional problems in an effective and natural way, I don't believe eating these foods, every now and then, will set you off track.

Foods That Will Lead to an Unhealthy Lifestyle and Weight

Below are the foods that I have seen (and have been proven) to contribute to unhealthy lifestyles. These lifestyles obviously lead to unhealthy weights, minds and bodies. Try to eliminate, or at least reduce, your intake of these items.

Photo courtesy

All Processed Foods - This really is a no brainer, as most of you who are reading this have already eliminated as many processed foods as possible, or are slowly integrating into a whole foods diet. Most of these convienice foods contain GMO (genetically modified) ingredients, of which we have yet to see any good research to indicate their safety. Knowing that all of the man made foods have ended up being unhealthy, I would suspect that these ingredients are unhealthy as well.

Controlled studies using genetically modified ingredients have only been performed on animals; however a mass experiment is being performed on the majority of the public with these foods, and we will only expect to see the results in the years to come. Please, don't eat man made or altered foods ("mother nature knows best"), and don't become a part of this worldwide experiment. Most of the animal studies performed with GMO ingredients have shown liver and kidney toxicity and low birth weight.

Artificial Sweeteners - Again, another man made product. When will we finally realize that sometimes man does not know better than the earth, and start realizing that there are natural ways to bring about the same results? Artificial sweeteners such as aspartame (NutraSweet and Equal) and sucralose (Splenda) are commonly used for weight control in popular diet foods (all of which are processed heavily) or as in little packets in coffee or tea.

Artificial sweeteners have actually been shown in controlled, scientific studies to increase the chances of gaining weight and developing obesity. Two groups of rats in this study (performed at Purdue University) consumed artificial sweetened foods and beverages, while the other group consumed a diet of regular sugar. Those that consumed artificial sweeteners gained significantly more weight than those eating regular sugar. Another study involving 18,000 people showed that those who drank at least one diet drink a day increased their chances of gaining weight.

Isn't it suspicious that with the rise of diet drinks and artificial sweeteners in our food, weight and BMI has increased on average? I don't think it is as suspicious as it is just plain obvious.

Photo courtesy

Certain Grains - As you are probably aware, I'm not a huge fan of grains. Our bodies are really not designed to eat grains, and our evolutionary history makes this known to us. We survived for millions of years without them, but the advent of agriculture only just brougth them into our diet 10,000 years ago.

Most grains consumed in this country are refined and processed, such as white flour, white rice, white potatoes and corn. These carbohydrates will turn into sugar very quickly in our bodies and lead to weight gain, insomnia, diabetes and other illnesses. Findings by Weston A. Price suggest that grains lead to tooth decay. Whole grains will stimulate your insulin levels as well and will turn into sugar quickly due to the high carbohydrate content. Consuming the grain in its whole form is recommended over refined carbohydrates and grains, but only in small amounts, if at all.

Unfermented Soy

That's right--soy milk, tofu and veggie products are not good for our weight. It's a pretty bold statement, seeing as how the market is flowing with soy products, advocating its health properties. Soy is an incredible and powerful health food, but only when it is prepared the correct way.

Unfermented soy contains isoflavones genistien and daidzen which has been showed in numerous studies to supress thyroid function. In fact, the research suggests that excessive intake of soybean products can lead to hypothroidism. This leads to a supressed thryoid function and a sluggish metabolism.

If you continue to consume processed foods, and you want to eliminate soy, be sure to read the label CAREFULLY. My body doesn't react to soy very well, and it is highly allergenic; however, it is in everything. Just look in your pantry or on the grocery store shelves at some processed food products, and examine the ingredients. 8/10 times you pick up an item, you will see the word "soy" in the ingredient list. This is a cheap crop that the government loves, and most of the time is genetically modified, which, if you remember earlier, can affect your health and weight in a negative way.

Traditionally, soy used in Asia was fermented (in the forms of natto, tempeh and miso) and were, and still are, used as side dishes, not as a main course or a staple. The majority of Asia's protein intake does not come from soy; rather, it comes from fish and pork. If you continue to use unfermented soy, try and get it unprocessed (very hard to do) and organic. Then, consume it only once or twice per week. However, I DO NOT recommend consuming it, even if it is organic.

Non-Organic Produce

Photo courtesy

Today as I write this, a news report is spreading across the world about conventional strawberries containing carcinogenic pesticides, and that these pesticides are now being linked an increased risk of children being diagnosed with ADHD.

A study in the American Journal of Epidemiology, a study carried out by the University of of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha concluded that exposure to certain pesticides in women caused a higher incidence of thryoid problems, more specifically and under active thyroid and thyroid disease. This quickly leads to weight gain as the thyroid is our main metabolism controlling gland.

Another research study performed at the Danish Research Center found that rats who were fed an organic diet, compared to those fed conventional, were slimmer and were at lighter weights. Along with this was a higher amount of Vitamin E in their blood stream (a powerful anti-oxidant that is important for anti-aging) and slept better (research is showing that less sleep is associated with unhealthy weight gain).

Most conventional meat, dairy and eggs (those that you find in the supermarket) are loaded with growth hormones that can affect your own hormones and your metabolism. These animals are also fed a high amount of grains, something that they are not designed to eat. These grains are high in genetically modified ingredients and omega-6 fatty acids (inflammatory fats) that can lead to weight gain. Currently Americans (and other such countries) are consuming a high amount of these fats. However, there are ways to find healthy animal protein.

Foods That Contribute to a Healthy Weight

All of the foods mentioned below have a common theme--they're all whole foods. Whole foods are superior to processed in every way, and can help you not only with your weight, but with your over all wellness lifestyle.

Organic Vegetables

Photo courtesy

Raw vegetables are probably one of the most important foods to me, as they supply so much nutrition that is bioavailable such as calcium, vitamins A, C, E and sometimes D, fiber, protein (however incomplete) and antioxidants. Not only are these beautifying foods, they fill you up (due to their water and fiber content) and provide your body with the right amount of nutrition to support your metabolism.

You want to make sure that your vegetables are raw, with only certain vegetables being cooked (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, spinach), but even then having them steamed, instead of boiled. Boiling your vegetables in water leaches the nutrients into the water, which does not provide them for your body. Cooking food denatures many nutrients and also kills them, so other leafy greens and vegetables need to be eaten raw. Juicing or making a green smoothie is a great way to get your 4-6 servings in a day (some experts recommend 1 lb of raw vegetables per 50 pounds of body weight, per day).

It is also important to buy as many organic vegetables as you can, as pesticides can lead to weight gain, can be carcinogenic and also contribute to a variety of other disorders. Some vegetables are higher than others when it comes to pesticide load, so if you can only buy some organic and not all, choose to buy the ones higher in pesticides as organic.

Organic Fruit

Photo courtesy

Fruit is a great food, as well, but shouldn't be consumed in excess; or, at least, you shouldn't consume more fruit than vegetables. Raw fruit is best, but dried fruit (as long as it isn't heated to a temperature above at least 115 degrees) still contains the same amount of nutrients. Raw, fresh fruit will fill you up faster than dried fruit, but take what you can get.

Fruit contains sugar called fructose, which is damaging to the body and metabolism if consumed in excess, and most importantly if it is consumed in a free form (such as HFCS). The fructose found in fruit allows the fruit to be low on the glycemic index, making it a slow acting carbohydrate, not contributing to elevated insulin levels. Too much fruit, however (as with too much of anything), will lead to high insulin, contributing to unhealthy weight gain.

Try to buy fruit organic, or at least buy the ones highest in pesticide resdiue as organic. Those would be anything that has a thin skin (as pesticides can leach through the skin, making peeling the fruit almost worthless) such as apples, pears, peaches, grapes, strawberries, rasberries and cherries. Avocado and bananas are lower in pesticides due to their hard outer layer that cannot be eaten. Avocado, by the way, is an easy digested fat and helps support your metabolism (you can actually eat fat and stay slim and healthy!).

Free Range, Organic Meat, Dairy and Eggs

Photo courtesy

Buying organic animal products is incredibly important if you consume them regularly. These animals are not treated with artificial growth hormones, antibiotics and are not fed genetically enginered grain. Plus, if you get these products free range (meaning they have the freedom to graze out on the land and eat grass--which is what they ARE designed to eat), then you have a complete protein full of omega-3 fats, something that helps out the metabolism, as well.

Raw dairy is something that I'm very passionate about, and I have blogged about this before. Even though it is whole milk, the fat makes you very satisfied and is easily digested. In fact, raw goat's milk can digest very quickly, usually in 30 minutes. A good digestion system is crucial for maintaing a healthy weight, as good bacteria help eliminate fat and bacteria that could affect your weight negatively. Raw milk and dairy products contain an abundant amount of good, beneficial bacteria, whereas pasteurized milk does not. Find a farmer near you for free range, organic animal food; or, find a farm that can legally sell raw milk.

Animal products provide a complete protein, which is essential for your body (the body cannot make these proteins on its own, or from plants). Quinoa is a complete protein, and a seed; however, I believe animal protein is the best source. If your body responds to a more vegetarian type diet, it is still advised to consume some egg or milk protein (and, of course, raw).

Organic, Sprouted Grains

The best way to eat a grain is to soak it and/or sprout it. Only do this if you find your body handles grains well, and if you are a type of person who needs more carbohydrates in our diets (some need more fat and protein, some thrive well on a more vegetarian type diet, and some are mixed). I have blogged about how to soak and sprout your own grains here. If you are cutting out grains, but not carbohydrates, then you might consider trying quinoa and buckwheat. These are highly nutritious seeds that are a good replacement for rice or gluten free, grain free baking flours. They sprout and cook quite easily (you can even eat them raw!).

Sprouted grain bread is coming into many supermarkets these days, and you should find them in the refrigerator section. You could also make your own sprouted bread using wheat berries, which is quite simple. I haven't tried using just sprouted buckwheat, but I just may one of these days for all those who choose (or have to) to not eat gluten.


This is my favorite sweetener of all time, as it is non-caloric, doesn't affect insulin levels and actually has some good research to support some health benefits. Because it doesn't contain any calories, you will be taking in less energy than you would sugar. I don't always believe the "calories in, calories out" saying, or the "a calorie is a calorie", because many foods contain different compositions, of which can either help you lose or gain weight at the same amount of calories. However, sugar DOES contribute to weight gain due to its rapid insulin raising effects, as well as having around 768 calories per cup.

To replace sugar in a recipe when using pure powdered stevia, a teaspoon generally equals a cup of sugar. It's incredibly sweet. Make up for the missing bulking agent that sugar provides, if needed, with additional ingredients and/or liquid (still experimenting with this). This spring, I am thinking about starting my own stevia plant so I can have stevia all year long.

The Fat That Makes Your Slim

In the last post, I left off with a food item that would surprise you as my favorite weight loss/healthy weight promoter. You might have already guessed it, but I'll take a drumroll anyway...

[drum roll noise]

Photo courtesy

...Coconut! Yes that saturated and tropical fat that has nourished many a people is actually a very terrific weight reducer and metabolism booster. Coconut in general is extremely healthy, providing fiber and medium and short chained fatty acids. The fiber and the fat will keep you very satiated. The medium and short chained fatty acids are also immediately turned into energy in the body, rather than being stored as fat. Other fats and oils, such as polyunsaturated vegetable oils (soy, canola, safflower, corn, etc.) are stored as fat more easily.

Coconut also increases metabolism due to its fat. Studies show that supplementing with straight up coconut oil actually contributes to weight loss. This, again, is due to its short and medium chained fatty acids. Yesterday, when I was making homemade coconut milk, I started to nibble a bit at the fresh coconut meat. Immediately I noticed my core body temperature increasing and my energy levels rising. I started doing some moves in that kitchen!

Fresh, shredded coconut is recommended, as well is coconut oil. Coconut oil is growing among consumers, making it available at some grocery stores. You do want to, however, purchase organic and unrefined. This will provide the best taste and you will be insured that it is from a good, organic source. One brand of coconut oil that I LOVE is Jarrow Extra Virgin Coconut Oil.

You can take coconut oil as a supplement, and some people swear by 1-3 tablespoons a day. Yes, a day. I thought that was a bit excessive as well, but when I consider how it speeds up the metabolism and even decreases appetite (in a healthy way), I started to think that perhaps it was a good recommendation. Find what your body does best on, and stick to it.

You can also use coconut flour as a gluten free, grain free baking flour. I go by Tropical Traditions Organic Coconut Flour as it is organic and makes my baked goods taste so good. You need to use more eggs in a recipe than you would for traditional wheat flour (a lot more), giving you a high protein baked good. Protein burns more calories and helps build more lean, healthy muscle, anyway. There is a lot of protein in coconut flour, as well as fiber (both nutrients help keep you feeling full and can support healthy weight loss efforts).


So there you go, the long awaited "Food List" in order to build a healthier, slimmer body; at a healthy weight, full of energy, life and vitality. Start doing your own research on what I have written about here, make your own conclusions, listen to how your body reacts to certain foods and get healthy!

This is The Healthy Advocate.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Healthy Weight Week Day Three: What the Heck Can I Eat? Part One

Every single post this week is important in helping you lose weight/gain weight, become fit and healthy. However leaving out this important step will not lead you into a healthier lifestyle, yet prevent you from becoming well. The right mindset and exercise will almost always follow up with a healthy diet. But what is a healthy diet? Let's look first at what the USDA determines what a healthy diet consists of. Then, I will tell you what I believe it actually consists of.

The USDA Food Pyramid

Photo Courtesy of

In this pyramid (a funny description to me nowadays, and I will explain why in the next section), we have different food groups with different recommended daily proportions. Working our way up from the bottom to the top, we have grains, vegetables and fruits, protein (meat, dairy, nuts and seeds) and a "moderate" amount of fats and sweets.

The recommended serving of grains is 6-11. Sound like a lot? That's what I thought too, until I actually saw what the majority of people are eating. Most people eat grains in large quantities at meals, or in the forms of crackers, cookies, cakes, bread, pasta, cereal, etc. Therefore, most people are meeting this requirement, or even exceeding it. The pyramid also mentions that the goal for your grains should be having at least half of them come from the whole grain (whole wheat and brown rice, for example).

With vegetables we have a recommendation of getting at least 3-5 a day, but this is also combined with the recommended serving of fruit per day. What the USDA is saying is you should really only have 3-5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. My thoughts on this to come...

Animal protein in the form of meat and dairy (and vegetarian protein srouces) make up a smaller amount of the pyramid.2-3 servings of low-fat dairy and 2-3 servings of lean meat (or nuts) make up these two groups.

Fats and sweets are at the very top of the pyramid, being grouped as "use sparingly", with the oils mentioned as being from a vegetable source. Saturated fats should be limited, and sugar kept low.

What's the Problem with This Picture?

As you hopefully know by now, I am not a fan of using this pyramid as a way of healthy eating. Many people have said before, but I will echo the statement: When you follow a pyramid, your body will eventually look like one. This uniform recommendation for all people is a disaster for our health, and promotes unhealthy foods and eating habits.

Let's start off with the grains. I did a post about grains, and how I went "grain free" for e month. I know that I do well on a very low-grain diet, one that doesn't involve gluten and comes from a whole source. Most people, however, do very well on grains, but I believe this is the minority of the population. Every body has different rates of metabolism, absorption and assimilation, and therefore it is unwise to tell all people to follow one, uniform eating plan.

Grains are high in carbohydrate, making them much higher on the glycemic index compared to other good sources of carbs, like vegetables and fruits. When we eat high glycemic foods, like grains, our insulin levels go up rapidly, and then go down rapidly. Insulin helps get energy into our cells, but a daily and rapid onset of it rushing into our systems can lead to weight gain. This is because when we have too much insulin floating around in our blood, and it is not used for energy, it gets stored as fat. Having high insulin levels can also speed up the rate at which we age, decrease insulin sensitivity (leading to diabetes), promote diseases like cancer, and has even shown to be a risk factor for Alzheimer's.

I hardly ever consume grains anymore, but when I do I make sure I soak and/or sprout the grain. Soaking the grain helps make it more digestible by the body, and makes it easier to assimilate the proper nutrients. Digestion is SO important for losing weight or maintaing a healthy weight, because if we are holding on to something, like undigested food, it will create a bloated feeling in the stomach and add to the pounds. Sometimes it has the opposite effect, making people lose weight, but this is rare (again, every body is different!). Sprouting makes the grain digest more like a vegetable, which I find extremely fascinating, and also increases vitamin and mineral content.

Grains that I recommend if you are just starting to transition to a low-grain diet, or if you are just trying to replace your grains with healthier options, is sprouted wheat (this contains gluten, which can be a problem for many, even without noticing it), barely, oats and rye. Brown rice can also be used. You can find sprouted breads in your grocery store in the frozen food sections. These days the only grain like carbohydrates I consume are sprouted buckwheat and quinoa. These are protein rich (quinoa is a complete protein, supplying all 8 essential amino acids) seeds are gluten free, grain free, while still providing healthy carbohydrates for those who do well on carbs.

Vegetables and fruits are my favorite food groups, especially when it comes to managing weight, blood sugar and providing you with essential nutrients to aid in metabolism. The only probelm with this food pyramid is that it promotes quite a bit of fruit, which is pretty high in fructose carbohydrates. We should know by know about the damaging effects that fructose has on the body when it is exposed to it in excess or in its free forms (high fructose corn syrup, for example).

Fructose in fruits, however, are bound by fiber and other nutrients that blunt its harming effects on the body. However an excess of these sugars in the diet will lead to elevated insulin levels in many people, and if you are looking to lose weight, it is best to have 1-2 servings of fruits per day, maybe more if you consume mostly berries (these fruits are low in fructose carbohydrates).

Be sure to eat fruit about 20-30 minutes before eating a meal with protein and fat. This is because fruit takes only 20-30 minutes to digest, whereas fat and protein stays in the digestion system for a couple (or perhaps a few) hours. If you eat fruit after a meal, you will be placing a quick digesting food on top of a slow digesting meal. The fruit starts to ferment, because it can't digest and go anywhere, and can back up your digestive system. As I mentioned before, having a healthy digestion system is on the keys to losing weight and maintaining a healthy body.

Most vegetables are fair game for me, however I do not consume potatoes or corn. These are very high on the glycemic index and the carbohydrates that they contain turn into sugar very quickly when digested by the body. This will again elevate your insulin levels rapidly, promoting weight gain. If you are going to eat potatoes, I recommend having sweet potatoes, as this is very low on the glycemic index and doesn't have the insulin raising effects as white potatoes. Boiled potatoes have a lower glycemic index than baked, and if you add some fat and protein (real, organic butter, raw cheese) will also help lower the glycemic index. However, watch your proportions if you are trying to lose weight--however most of the time if you listen to your body, it will tell you when you have had enough.

Meat and dairy consumption has been on the decline as promoters of a "healthy lifestyle" have advocated a mostly vegetarian diet, consisting of low-fat dairy products, and even lean meats. I do have problems with this, as the research I have done denotes something entirely different.

Some people have a body type that does very well on a mostly vegetarian diet. These are mainly people who can handle more carbohydrates, and feel good when the majority of the calories comes from these sources. Some people are "protein types", where they feel better with the majority of their calories coming from fat and protein. Others are "mixed types".

Advocating a diet as being mostly vegetarian and high in carbs for all people can be a disaster, especially when you consider all the "types" of bodies out there. Low-fat, pasteurized milk, yogurt and cheese all seem to be healthier, but in reality, are not.

Milk is one of natures perfect foods, but only when it is in its whole, raw form. Clean raw milk supply the necessary fat needed to help digest and assimilate the nutrients found within. Also, most of the vitamins are only soluble in fat, therefore if you take the fat out (as in low fat milk), you can assimilate the nutrients (meaning it isn't bioavailable). Also, the protein in pasteurized milk has been denatured due to the heating process, making it very different than what the body is used to consuming over the eons of evolution that humans have been drinking milk (pasteurized milk is relatively new). Many people with lactose intolerance do well on raw milk--however, if you are going to drink raw milk, please find a clean source, one that is certified to sell raw milk to consumers. Milk that you find in the grocery store that is low fat (2%, 1% and fat-free), have powdered milk added to them by manufactures to give it body. When you powder milk, you expose the cholesterol to a lot of air and heat, leading to oxidation. Oxidized cholesterol is a big component to heart disease. I suspect that this might also happen during pasteurization. Read more about healthy milk here.

Since the turn of the century, America has replaced healthy fats like butter, lard (yes, lard!), whole milk, full fat meat from free range animals and eggs, with polyunsaturated fats and oils (vegetable oils). Butter has been replaced by margarine (trans fat), low fat milk with whole, and lean meats or even nuts and seeds for complete proteins. Statistics have shown that during this time period preventable diseases like heart disease, diabetes, cancer, obesity and stroke sky rocketed. "Fat-free" became the 'health' slogan, yet people are getting sicker and sicker. Saturated fat and cholesterol make up the integrity of our cell walls and help can actually decrease our risk for being overweight (more to come on that in Part Two).

So How Come This Pyramid Is NOT Working?

The recommendation for the over consumption of grains, especially refined grains, cutting out healthy fats and replacing it with man made ones, as well as not addressing that every person's body is built differently is what is contributing to weight problems, as well as other diseases (both physical and mental).

The USDA is currently giving farmers over $15 million to produce soybeans and corn, two products which are mainly genetically engineered, found in many processed foods and can actually increase our weight. Unfermented soy, seen as a health food, can actually suppress thyroid function, leading to a slow metabolism, whereas corn stimulates insulin. These two foods should be avoided at all cost. Fermented soy like natto, miso and tempeh are extremely healthy, and should be consumed for a healthy weight and lifestyle, however the majority of the money the USDA spends on soy is for its use in cheap, processed foods.

A U.S. District judge ruled that the USDA came within violation when it made the food pyramid. Those chosen to be on the committee to construct the food pyramid had direct ties to food industries and conflicts of interest between food industries and the USDA proved this ruling true. Another example of the evidence that the USDA and the FDA are not there to protect your health. Read the full story about this here.

Average BMI has also increased, unfortunately, due to this shift in nutritional advice. 100 years ago and beyond we nourished our bodies with healthy, natural foods. But today, we are replacing them with processed junk foods, man made foods and foods that are not found in nature. No wonder our health of our bodies have degraded. Protein has also been seen as being the macronutrient we need least, however it is so crucial for every part of our body, much more than carbohydrates.

In the nest part of this two part series on diet, I will give you foods that WILL help reset your metabolism, giving you a lean and healthy body, one that is healthy for your biochemistry. Whether you need to gain weight or lose it, I will address it in the next post. Let me know in the comments section below, or email me, the foods you normally eat and if you have a problem with your health or weight. I will do my best to bring these foods up in the next post, or a following post.

PLUS--I will be giving you my favorite metabolism boosting, health and beauty promoting food that will help you slim down, stay fit and be healthy. You might be surprised by this food as being healthy, but if you know me and you have been reading this blog for awhile, you might not be. See you then.

This is The Healthy Advocate.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Healthy Weight Week Day Two: Your Exercise Program

Yikes! Exercise might seem scary for some--heart pounding moves that promote sweat, burning muscles and a tight bod. OK, I couldn't think of a third promoter of exercise that sounded bad. Actually, all of those sounded quite good to me, and might to you, too, if you exercise regularly and feel the benefits of your daily movement.

Exercise not only promotes a healthier body figure and weight, but it also plays vital roles in various other physical and mental parts of your body. Daily movement and exercise influences cells in your body, preventing them from erosion and death, and also aids in proper mental agility and function. First I will go over what exercise does for your body, before I get into what exercises to do for the health of your body.

  1. Exercise promotes better sleep. If you are looking for a natural way to help you sleep at night, without the use of over the counter or prescription drugs (which can lead to dependancy), then exercise is your way to go. Exercise at least 30 minutes a day (45-60 minutes is optimal, depending) will provide an energy expenditure that will promote a tired sensation at the end of the day, thus promoting sleep. This will also last for many hours, preventing you from awakening during the middle of the night.

Besides the obvious effects exercise has on sleep, we also find it affects our circadian rhythms. Our circadian rhythms are the biological rhythms that occur throughout a 24- hour period. The circadian rhythm is mainly focused around our sleep hormone, melatonin. This hormone rises in the evening when darkness sets (making us feel tired and sleepy), and decreases during the day. This hormone is secreted much more strongly when exposed to natural sunlight, as proper sun exposure to the eyes and skin during the day help influence a stronger increase in the hormone at night.
Studies have shown that regular physical activity increases the level of melatonin that is secreted at night. A study performed at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto, Canada, found that exercise increased levels of melatonin secretion, especially if the exercise was performed later in the day. However, I believe that exercise in the morning to be optimal. But, if you are trying to fall asleep naturally, break up your exercise routine during the day, morning and afternoon. Exercising too close to bed time, inversely, will actually inhibit your sleep, according to this study.

2. Healthy exercise promotes a better mood, and helps fight depression.
Exercise is one of the most powerful natural "drugs" available, and it is incredibly effective in combating depression and mood disorders. When we put a healthy exertion on our bodies, as through exercise and movement, we start to release hormones in our brain, namely serotonin and endorphins("feel good" hormones). The endorphins that are released have similar effects as morphine, but without the risk of dependancy. Neurotransmitters are also released to provide the transport of the hormones throughout your mind and body, elevating your mood. Too much exertion, however, can have an opposite effect.

The Mayo Clinic also states that exercise boosts mood by elevating body temperature (a warmer body temperature has a calming effect) and increasing the immune system, which has been linked to mood, as well. A study reported in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine used exercise as the only treatment for depression, and found that depression symptoms were cut almost in half in the subjects who participated in the 30-minute aerobic exercise sessions.

3. Fights cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Exercise lowers insulin levels and makes your body's cells more sensitive to insulin. I believe insulin resistance to be one of the culprits behind the rise of degenerative and preventable diseases seen in America today. Lack of exercise and poor diet can lead to these complications, and exercise has been shown numerous times to prevent these illnesses, and even some controversial evidence suggests it can help reverse them (I am NOT condoning a treatment plan--only an alternative preventative strategy!).

4. Makes you smarter. Exercise has been shown to grow new cells in the brain, and also strengthens the inner cortex within the brain associated with cognition and attention. Using exercise as a tool for ADD or ADHD (learning disabilities that I really don't believe exist) along with other healthy approaches (diet, sun exposure, proper sleep and hydration, etc.) can be incredibly beneficial. It always amazes me to see that moving your body every day can actually grow brand new, physical parts of your brain. This is very important as we age, and even for us college students (and all students, everywhere)!

5. Helps fight off illness. Exercising activates the immune system, helping your body fight off illness. The #1 issue people have when they get colds or the flu is that there immune system is down or not functioning properly. Exercising and eating right improves the immune system dramatically.

6. Promotes a healthy body weight and appearance. To be healthy, and to weigh less (or more, depending on your needs), it is absolutely crucial that you apply exercise to you life. It is a valuable key nutrient that helps speed up your basal metabolism (how many calories you burn at rest), activates your growth hormone secretion (from the pituitary gland in the brain) and leads to greater flexibility and strength by toning the muscles and bones.

Like I said before, exercise is a powerful natural "drug" that most people have available to themselves and that can even replace dangerous, and often expensive, conventional drugs. Many stuides already show that antidepressants don't work, so why risk the side effects and pay the price (mentally, physically AND monetary)?

Since I am talking about how to move into a healthier weight with exercise, let's go over the types of exercise that are best. Each type of exercise won't address weight loss specifically, but will, overall, make you healthy. A proper balance of each type will keep your insulin and weight levels low, your energy high and your muscles and body toned and fit.

  1. Interval Training. This is a really cool type of exercise that I'm extremely fond of. Recent research has shown that interval training is the best way to burn fat. This exercise combines intense cardio bursts with periods of rest in between. In fact, the "rests" are actually smaller, less intense movements of the intense cardio movements. Let's say you are walking. For 30 seconds you will do intense sprinting across your path. Then you will go back to walking for 60-90 seconds. Then, you will do the same sprints (bursts of cardio) for 30 seconds. Now back to the walking for 90 seoncds, and so on and so forth.
According to Darrin Steen, health and fitness expert, our bodies continue to burn more calories at rest up to 8 hours after an interval training exercise! This is amazing, seeing how after most aerobic cardio, like light jogging, your body's metabolism slows back down again. However, your metabolism stays elevated much higher after an interval style cardio exercise. You can jump rope, do jumping jacks, or perform sprints for this exercise-- anything that will be intense enough to do for 10-30 seconds. 20 minutes of this exercise is usually enough to compare to an hour's worth of jogging (cardio bursts and rests).

Push yourself HARD during the 10-30 seconds of burst activity to start seeing results and reduction in your weight, and to to see a more toned, fit body. Your body produces adequete amounts of growth hormone with this type of exercise which slow down the aging process, increases muscle mass and aids in reducing fat. Doing too much of this good thing will cause an opposite effect and make your body store more fat by producing cortisol, the stress hormone. 20-40 minutes every other day is fine. However remember--this exercise is best performed every other day, so that you can incorporate other forms of exercise into your lifestyle and to prevent injury.

2. Resistance training. This type of exercise involves using weights, or your own body weight, as resitance in sculpting your body and your muscles. Lifting weights is the common way to go, but you can also find something handy and heavy to use instead. To have a lean body, to have a muscular body, to be fit and have a sculpted look, resistance training is a must. Watch the video below to see an example of this type of exercise.

Please start off with smaller weights if you are just beginning.
Building muscle mass helps your body burn more calories at rest, helping you lose weight faster. However, like interval training, this should be done every other day. Exercising the same muscle groups day after day can result in injury. It's always important to alternate your exercise routine for optimal health.

3. Core exercises and flexibility. These exercises (yoga, pilates, stretching techniques) focus on the core abdominal muscles, promotes balance and flexibility. It is always important to round your exercises off with stretching, and even more important to incorporate a flexibility routine, like yoga and/or pilates, into your practice. My favorite form of yoga is Vinyasa yoga, which combines cardio moves with yoga poses.

The Take Home

Like I said before in my descriptions of the exercises above, it is always important to involve every single one into your healthy lifestyle. Only doing cardio for hours on end will result in energy drainage, increased production of free radicals and cortisol (thus increasing the rate of aging, disease and fat storage), and will provide no enjoyment in the long term. Starting off with just cardio is also more likely to deter you away from exercise later on due to the energy burnout.

For optimal fat burning and muscle building (and for a healthier you), alternate interval cardio with strength and resistance training throughout the week. If you are already at a healthy weight, don't have insulin or cholesterol problems and don't need or want to gain/lose weight, then 3 times a week of exercise will suffice. I like to strive for physical activity every day, but only push my body to the point it feels where it needs to go. Listen to your body, and your body will thank you.

On Friday I will have Day Two posted, telling you about healthy foods that will boost calorie burning, help sculpt muscles and promote optimal nutrition. It isn't just about reducing or adding calories--exercise is a critical nutrient that will help sculpt your body in a healthy way.

I wonder how many times I can use the word, "healthy", in a paragraph? Count them all up in this post and win a prize! :)

This is The Healthy Advocate.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Healthy Weight Week Day One: Your State of Mind

After receiving some requests from friends and readers (and friends who are readers) about managing their weight, becoming fit and wanting to be healthier, I thought it would be fitting to publish a weeks worth of posts dedicated to this topic. I understand entire books are devoted to such things, but I will do my best to try and deliver as much as I can, and as much as I know (through research and experience) in a week.

Before I do begin, however, I want to reiterate that I will NOT use the word "diet" in any of these posts as related to calorie restriction, weird food combinations or avoidances and insane exercise programs. Diets, in all their strange and wacky forms, don't work. I'm sure you have heard of this before, but it is so true. Sure, they work in the short term. There is no argument there. But, the body is a smart and an adaptable machine. After a while, our bodies will cry out for nourishment, perhaps leading to binging or, if you are prone to addictive behavior, even death.

Death and diet are linked very clearly. The first three letters, after all, spell die. When one who is prone to addictive behavior, as I said earlier, one symptom can be death in the hands of a diet gone wrong. One could get so addicted to dieting, weight loss and calorie control that their bodies cry out for nutrients, stealing it from various sources already in the body, ultimately killing the body. Your body doesn't want to die, but it will do everything in its power to stay alive right now, even if that means killing itself very soon by taking nutrients from stores in your body that actually need it, like your internal organs--heart, lungs, kidney, etc.

This is why I do not like diets. This is why I am a little scared in giving my advice on achieving weight loss or management. I would much rather speak about weight gain in those individuals who need and want it. When I was younger I actually wanted to become bigger, not be so skinny, and fit in. I'm now happy with where I'm at, and realize that being thin and a male isn't necessarily a bad thing, that I can still fit in. As long as I am healthy, happy and doing what I love in life, I know that my body will follow the tune and that I can be comfortable in my own skin. It might not make sense to another, but it does to me, and that's what matters in my life. Find something that makes sense to you, if you can, about being comfortable in your own body. If you can't, and you need a change for health reasons, then it is time to change in a healthy way.

By the way, I'm sorry about all the italicized words. I love italicizing words that I want to emphasize, or the ones I believe are the most valuable to you, my readers and my friends. If you become too annoyed just tell me; I'll stop.

The very first thing you want to do when becoming healthy, losing weight (or gaining or maintaing), is not to first change your diet or lifestyle pattern, but to change your mind. Your mind--your thoughts and beliefs--are what influence your actions in your own life. If you start of the bat by saying you will change the way you eat and exercise, it won't last for very long. At least, you won't maintain this because you first need the mindset and the belief that you CAN do this for yourself.

The Way Your Mind Works

When we believe something, we usually act on those beliefs. There is no question about this. When we believe that we will become dirty if we do not bathe, we bathe. When we believe that there are dangers on the road, we wear a seatbelt. Our beliefs affect our actions in our lives.

If we change our diet while still holding on to a deep seated belief that we're not good enough, we can't maintain a healthy lifestyle, we don't deserve a healthier or happier life, we can't do it, etc., our diet will fail miserably. This is because these beliefs will influence our actions toward the diet, sabatoging ourselves at the beginning or in the middle of a very good intention.

Changing your beliefs about yourself and the way you do things is an incredible important first step in achieving any goal you set. To fully see yourself doing something and achieving your goal is believing that it is possible, and knowing deep within that your goal will be reached no matter what.

How to Change Your Beliefs

Changing your beliefs about yourself can be difficult, if all you were to do was repeat affirmations over and over again in the mirror. Affirmations are good, but they won't get the job done, in the shortest amount of time possible. I'm always glad to hear someone uses affirmations, but if your not engaging your mind with visualizations and sensory feelings, you are not going to reach your goal to its fullest extent, if at all.

I have written extensively on using your mind for the purpose of changing your thoughts, emotions and beliefs in order to change almost anything in your life. In fact, you can check out my other blog here, at Hypnotic Subliminals, where I tell you want you can do to really change those beliefs.

The reason why affirmations don't work, or very rarely do, is because it doesn't go deep within your mind to change those deep seated beliefs and it doesn't engage every part of your mind associated with your goal. Here are a few steps that you can take right now to achieve your goal of losing weight, being healthy and maintaining your healthy lifestyle.

  1. Make sure you can relax. Before beginning any mind altering exercise, you need to relax your body completely. Not to the point of absolute sleep, but the point before that. You want to get your body in a deep state of relaxation before you begin your visualization exercise. Even if you can't get to that "deep" state, still try to find a state of complete calm.
The reason you want to relax is because when our bodies are relaxed, and when we close our eyes, we become more "in tune" with out inner selves. We also have access to our subconscious mind during the times we are relaxing, which is what you want. Your subconscious mind holds all the beliefs, thoughts and ideas you have ever had and we want to access it in order to submit a new belief into its network.
Focusing on your breathing seems to be a good relaxation technique for most people, and notice it slowing down as you continue to relax. Many people also like to imagine every single muscle, from the top of their head to the tip of their toes relaxing and letting go. This helps you focus on areas of the body that you might be holding tension in, and allows you to release it.

2. Imagine, Visualize or Feel. The reason why I say, "...or feel" is because some people complain that they cannot visualize effectively, therefore self hypnosis (what you are doing right now) won't work for them. In essence, self hypnosis will work for everyone, regardless of their visualization skills. If you have trouble visualizing, just feel the emotions I will tell you to feel in just a moment.

Since you are in this relaxed state, you now have access to your subconscious. You are now going to start visualizing yourself being healthy, at the weight that you want, looking great in the mirror, loving everything about yourself, loving to eat healthy, loving to exercise and drink plenty of water, etc. As you are doing this, and imagining the moment you achieved your goal as if you are actually experiencing it makes your brain believe it is possible, or that it's real. Your mind doesn't know the difference between a real or imagined event, and will look and force itself to find ways of making that imagination true.

However, just visualizing it won't do as well unless you incorporate all of your five senses. Hear the sound of the water being poured in the glass, or feel the amazing burn after your favorite workout. Or, perhaps, you see the number on the scale or your body in the mirror, and it fills your emotions with an amazing feeling that you took steps to be at a healthy weight. Also, you can "touch" and feel the muscles that you have built (you are allowed to touch yourself in this visualization, but don't go overboard!).

It is also important to incorporate your emotions into the visualization. This is the most powerful sense, being probably the sixth. It is your emotions that tie all the other senses together and makes the imagined event more real to your mind. This will tell your mind that this is achievable, or that you have already achieved it, and will put your brain in a mode that says you are this person that you are imagining.
3. Say your affirmations. Sending direct suggestions into your subconscious is also very powerful, as they put into words what you were imagining. This would be a good avenue to go for those who feel as though they cannot imagine as well as others. However, it is always important to incorporate those emotions. Also, when saying affirmations, you need to put them in present tense. This way you insert a belief that you have already achieved your goal, making your brain work hard to support this belief.

So there you have it for today's post on healthy weight management. This will start you off. I didn't want to start you out with nutrition or exercise, because you need a good foundation in order to begin with these subjects if you are trying to become healthier. Changing your mind will first change your thoughts and then your behaviors, which will in turn be more helpful in following through on the advice given in the next posts.

P.S. I am giving away a hypnosis program FOR FREE on helping to lose weight, love to eat healthy and exercise and become healthier. It is called, "Hypnosis for a Healthy Lifestyle". It helped me immensely when I first put it together, and I hope it can help you too. If you would like it, please email me or send me a comment below (or Twitter/Facebook me!). I will give you the details on how to get it. It's open for anyone, so why not give it a try?


This is The Healthy Advocate