Thursday, May 20, 2010

Healthy RAW Birthday Cake

The Healthy Advocate is having a birthday tomorrow (if you get annoyed by me talking about myself in third person, just let me know!), and I wanted a healthy day filled with activity and nourishing food that will provide me with everything I need to spring forward in the 21st year of me being alive. I decided upon a RAW birthday cake this year, because my body deserves it, and so does yours! It doesn't have to be your birthday to enjoy this nourishing, rich, healthy and satisfying cake.

No flour, gluten, eggs, dairy, refined sugar or vegetable oils. Completely raw, easily digestible and naturally low in calories. A little piece goes a long way--trust me, it is so rich! The fiber, protein and fat found in the nuts/seeds that make up the base of this cake make you feel full, meaning you only need to eat a little to be satisfied. SAD (standard American diet) cakes are loaded with sugar and many times harmful fats that will make you want more, increase your hunger and devastate your insulin levels. Something I don't want happening on my birthday--or any day.

This cake is an adaption of many raw chocolate cakes out there, but I think I would have to give credit more so to Ani Phyo, an amazing raw chef in Los Angeles whom I absolutely love. The original recipe can be found in her book, Ani's Raw Food Desserts: 85 Easy, Delectable Sweets and Treats. Please check it out--she provides so many easy recipes, making eating RAW simple. Something that I really love. To make sure this cake comes out like a real cake, make sure your nuts or seeds or dry. If you do soak/sprout your nuts or seeds, make sure you dehydrate them before the recipe. I used sunflower seeds and almonds, but you can use any nut or seed that you like (walnuts are best).

A gluten free, grain free, raw chocolate cake for you to enjoy any time you wish!

RAW Chocolate Birthday Cake

-3 cups raw walnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, etc., soaked and dried (or 4 cups raw nuts/seeds)
-1/3-2/3 cup of unsweetened cocoa or carob powder
-1/4 tsp. salt
-1 1/2 cup pitted and soft dates
-1/2 cup raisins (soak for 10-20 minutes to make soft)

Process the walnuts (or other nuts/seeds) in the food processor until a fine flour. Add the cocoa powder and the salt and pulse to mix.

Now, add the dates and the raisins to the mixture. Process until the dough forms a ball. If your mixture is too wet, then the ball might not form, so just process until all the dates and raisins are mixed in with the flour (this will lead to a fudge type cake).

Once you have your ball of dough, take it out of the food processor and shape the cake into any form you wish. I made a circle cake, and arranged bananas, organic strawberries and dried coconut on top of the frosting. Top with raw chocolate frosting and chill for an hour or so, to set, or, serve as is.

RAW Chocolate Frosting

-1 1/2 medium avocados
-1/2 cup soft raisins and/or dates (I used a mixture of both--make sure they're soft by soaking them for 10-20 minutes, drain)
-1/4 to 1/3 cup cocoa powder
-2 tbsp. raw honey, to taste

Process all ingredients in the food processer until smooth. Use to frost the RAW birthday cake. Arrange raw fruits, dried coconut or anything you like on top. Chill to set before serving, or serve as is.

This has been The Healthy Advocate

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